Family Law
Our Services

What is Family Law?

Family law addresses statutes, rules, and court decisions involving family-related issues and concerns. It includes matters arising in marriage and civil unions, and issues that could arise throughout the relationship, be it before, during, or after its dissolution.

Key Areas of Family Law

Marriage and Living Together: Laws related to prenuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements, and common-law marriages.

Divorce and Alimony: Including property division, spousal support, and annulments.

Child Custody and Child Support: Addressing legal custody, physical custody, and financial support for children.

Adoption and Foster Care: The legal process of taking in a child not biologically one's own.

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Ease of the Divorce Process

The ease of the process varies based on:

State Laws: Cases with high assets, children, or contentious issues can be more complicated.

Complexity of the Case: Each state has its own set of family laws.

Whether It's Contested or Uncontested: Uncontested divorces (where both parties agree on everything) are typically quicker and less expensive.

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The Divorce Process

Filing for Divorce: One party initiates the process by filing a divorce petition.

Temporary Orders: If one spouse is dependent on the other for financial support or will have custody of the children, temporary court orders may be established.

Service of Process: The party who files for divorce also needs to file proof of service of process, ensuring that the divorce petition was delivered to the other party.

Whether It's Contested or Uncontested: Uncontested divorces (where both parties agree on everything) are typically quicker and less expensive.

Response: The party who receives the service of process must then provide a response to the petition.

Negotiation: If the divorce is uncontested, the two parties might negotiate terms without court intervention. If there are disagreements, mediation or arbitration might be used.

Order of Dissolution: This order ends the marriage and spells out how property and debts are to be divided, child custody, support, and any other issues.

Necessity of an Attorney

Advantages of Hiring an Attorney:

Expertise in family law

Expertise in family law

Knowledge of court procedures.

Self-representation: While individuals can represent themselves, family law can be complex. Those without legal training might find the system overwhelming. However, some jurisdictions offer "family law facilitators" to help self-represented individuals through the process.

Uncontested Divorces: In simple cases, especially uncontested divorces, individuals might handle the process with minimal assistance, using online resources or through limited scope representation. While individuals can handle family law matters, especially uncomplicated ones, without an attorney, it is often beneficial to have legal representation, especially in contested cases or those involving significant assets or complex child custody issues. An attorney can provide valuable guidance,represent one's interests, and help navigate the complexities of the legal system.